We provide scholarships for outstanding students and students, with a focus on individuals who have the ambition to deepen their knowledge and skills between the two countries..
Student Exchange
We hold student exchange programs that allow students in Indonesia and Japan to experience and understand each other's culture, language, and education systems.
Academic and Business Collaboration
We form partnerships with universities and business organizations in Indonesia and Japan to create meaningful learning and collaboration opportunities.
Program Details (Objectives, Target Demographics, Results)
Scholarship Program: The aim is to support and provide outstanding students with the opportunity to obtain a high-quality and in-depth education about the culture and language of each country. Our target demographic is high school, D3, S1, and S2 students in Indonesia and Japan. The results we hope for are the development of student's skills and knowledge as well as increased cooperation and understanding between the two countries.
Student Exchange Program: This program aims to promote deeper cultural and linguistic understanding between Indonesia and Japan through hands-on experience. Our target demographic is high school and university students. The expected outcome is increased tolerance and intercultural understanding as well as the establishment of long-term relationships between students from both countries
Academic and Business Collaboration Program: This program aims to build partnerships between academic and business institutions in Indonesia and Japan. It is aimed at academic organizations and businesses looking to explore collaboration opportunities. The expected outcome is joint initiatives and projects that promote innovation and knowledge exchange.
Special Activities or Events
We regularly hold special events and activities to promote culture and education between Indonesia and Japan. These include cultural festivals, educational symposiums, and networking events.
Partnership or Collaboration
We are proud to have partnered with various universities and business organizations in Indonesia and Japan. This partnership allows us to provide more opportunities to our students and deepen ties between the two countries. We are always open to exploring new partnership and collaboration opportunities that align with our mission and vision.